Monday, August 13, 2012

Mad Props to the Prop

We've wrapped up GK's "1942 Birthday Sale," so don't be alarmed when you walk into the store this month and see our table full of books that the proprietor is reading. Unless you want to be. Or thought that you were walking into Dunn Bros. Which would be alarming. And much louder.

GK's summer reading list is now available for purchase and perusing. Thanks to Molly for the instructive and fun homonym.

We've also added more table space to "Fiction," "Lives," and "Regional," so if after you've calmed down and begin walking through the store you get the feeling something's different or askew, it's not just you. It is a little bit you, though.

And coming soon, we're dedicating one end table to signed books, perfect for gifts that mask your getting one last minute. Waaaaaay better than towels for instance...

Sorry again, Matt.

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